
De strijd om het presidentschap is in volle gang. Senator Kennedy geeft zijn steun aan het Obama kamp en dat wordt als zeer belangrijk beschouwd. Ondertussen pompt Bush nog maar eens 150 miljard dollar uit eigen drukkerij in de Amerikaanse economy. Ook een manier om de problemen in het land aan te pakken :chinrub:

Sen. Ted Kennedy” <>

Dear Dirk,

When I endorsed Barack Obama on Monday, I was also endorsing a candidate with the power to transform America.

As President Kennedy said in 1960, “It is time for a new generation of leadership.”

This campaign is about a new generation of leadership today. A generation ready to be part of something bigger than themselves. A generation ready to change the country, and a generation ready to change the world.

I’m doing everything I can to elect Barack Obama. With less than a week before my state and 21 others make their voices heard, there is no time to lose.

Please join me by making a $50 donation now:

Like my son Patrick and my niece Caroline, I have found a new generation of leadership for America in Barack Obama — and I hope you have too!


Senator Edward M. Kennedy

